Love Your Bible Podcast
I want to help you change "I should read the Bible" to "I WANT to read the Bible!" To make this switch, I'll drop frequent episodes to make you love your Bible more. Because when you love your Bible, you will love God, serve people, and live a life that matters.
Love Your Bible Podcast
Old Earth | Why Jimmy Slack believes the earth is billions of years old | Science & Creation
Jimmy Slack will be the first to say both Young Earth and Old Earth Christians agree about the WHO, WHAT, and WHY of creation—which are the most important! However, Christians often disagree about the exact HOW and WHEN of creation. The main distinction stems from the question: Does the word “day” (Yom in Hebrew) in Genesis 1 refer to 24 hours or a long period?
In this podcast episode, Slack makes the case for why he believes “day” in the text refers to a long period of time. Slack, once an atheist, has studied creation and science for the past 30+ years. He deeply loves Jesus, the Bible, and his glorious Creator.
So whether you believe in young Earth or old Earth or not sure, you will find this interview fascinating (I know I did). And yes, I ask Jimmy about dinosaurs. Enjoy!
For further study check out:
Website (Hugh Ross) --
Creator and the Cosmos -- Hugh Ross
A Matter of Days -- Hugh Ross
Evolution: A Theory in Crisis -- Michael Denton
Darwin on Trial -- Phillip Johnson
Icons of Evolution -- Jonathan Wells
Defeating Darwinism -- Phillip Johnson
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