Love Your Bible Podcast

The Present Kingdom (The Gospels)

January 26, 2023 with Pastor Kory

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6. THE PRESENT KINGDOM 400 years passed after the completion of the Old Testament before Jesus began his public ministry with the words, ‘The time has come... The kingdom of God is near’ (Mk 1:15). The waiting was over; God’s king had come to establish God’s kingdom. His life, teaching and miracles all proved that he was who he said he was: God himself in human form. He had the power to put everything right again, and he chose a very surprising way of doing it: by dying in weakness on a cross. It was by his death that Jesus dealt with the problem of sin and made it possible for human beings to come back into relationship with his Father. The resurrection proved the success of Jesus’ rescue mission on the cross and announced that there is hope for our world. Those who trust in Christ can look forward to eternal life with him. (Vaughan Roberts) 

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